Monday, December 29, 2008
What's Bart Listening to - the Pop Edition
If they are playing in your neck of the woods, then you can mark it down as a show not to be missed.
You can learn more about "Bookmobile" including a fine mp3 audio download via their website (which is in serious need of updating!). LINK.
And the wiki for the duo.
Brendel's Departure
And the Guardian has a splendid review of it for those of us who couldn't be there.
Never having heard Brendel live, I know his playing only thru his recordings. Yes, I love his richly praised Beethoven and Schubert recordings. But it's his early recordings, especially of Liszt, that
I enjoy the most. You can find some of the very best of it here.
Deep Thought for the Day
DIY: Glenn Gould's Chair
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Things to Do with Your iPhone
Read all about using the iPhone as an instrument via the might fine "My Music Tech" blog.
and there's this iphone guitar making some lovely ambient music
Stravinksy - at the piano and on the podium
And here's a little bit of Stravinsky at the podium
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Faces to watch 2009: Classical music - Really?
That's it? 2009 looks then to be sorely disappointing. If you ask me all three can pack their knives and go. Sezet-Sequin perhaps. de Niese, give it sometime. Muhly? That's so last milenium...
Who do you think's worth watching in 09? I'll post my own list down the road and we can compare notes.
Christmas Past
What is it? A link to a remarkable web treasure that explores the wonderful and whacky world of Christmas with Liberace. You 'll find plenty of audio clips from "Christmas card recordings", decorations, cards, and more.
Check it out.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Deep Thought for the Day
All that and more in this tasty piece. Check it out. Link
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Master Class Notes
"A young Chinese pianist was showing his wares in the finale of Prokofiev’s Sixth Piano Sonata and Liszt’s First Piano Concerto. Krainev listens to long takes (an entire movement and more) before making his comments. And he does not mince words or pull punches, which are not lost in translation either. “You play too many wrong notes!” Ouch. “It is marked Vivace, but you play Allegretto, so it sounds very boring. Do you know what boring means?” Double ouch."
Ouch indeed. Read the rest over here on the inimitable Flying Inkpot.
Free to a Good Home: Adopt-a-Piano
The sites mission:
"Piano Adoption is a free site where you can find a home for your unused piano. Give the gift of music to a family in search of a starter piano or an institution such as a church, school or retirement home in need of a piano. For every piano that is unwanted or no longer used, there may be dozens of potential recipients in your area. Piano Adoption is dedicated to finding a new home for your serviceable pianos before they end up in the local landfill. "
Point your peepers here and find a piano in your area.
You're not Just Playing It, You're Wearing It
The instruction (or should that be pattern) for it is found here. More info is found here.
via YouTube you can see it in action:
What's Bart Been Listening to Lately?
Schumann - Carnival
Yo La Tengo - Tears Are In Your Eyes
Granados - 6 Cantos
Hot Chocolate - You Sexy Thing
Liszt - Piano Concerto no. 1
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
What's Bart Been Listening To ?
Messiaen - Visions de l'Amen
de Falla - Danse De La Frayeu
Schubert - Sonata Op. Posth. D960
Brahms -Sonata in f op 5
Monday, December 08, 2008
Smell Ya Later
You'll find the website for it here.
The daughter of Clive Christian came up with the idea for a music competition inspired by the perfume. The Sound of Perfume, she calls it. Naff? Perhaps, but the composition students at the Royal College of Music invited to enter are taking the assignment seriously.Give it a peep and judge for yourself. Asked and unanswered in all of this is the connection between smell and sound.
Paging Scriabin.
economics and steinway
A credit ratings agency on Monday lowered its outlook for piano maker Steinway Musical Instruments Inc. because of concerns that consumers won't spend on big-ticket items in a deteriorating economy.Link
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
out and around blogsville
And is Claudio Abbado the greatest living conductor? Not sure I'm buying that. Deets here.
History's most misunderstood novel? Answers can be found here. And I'm buying it.
A knuckle bustin' etude from the blogospher's own can be found here. (Nice stuff!)
Need to alienate your audience? Look (er, click) no further than here.
In the mood for Christmas? Put your peepers here.
And, yes, Virginia Camile Paglia really does suck. Deets
And a might mighty fine blog that I've added to the WTB "Blogs of Distinction" list
can be found here. (Cheeky Monkey!).
Music to Warm You on a Winter Evening
In a word: Glorious!
Speaking of Eye Candy
In my off-line life and travels, a question I'm frequentlyasked is what "type" of piano I'd recommend someone buy. My advice is always to avoid the spinet. Better than the spinet, even better than a "baby" grand in my opinion, is the tried and proved "upright". I very much like the Pleyel uprights (but that's a topic for another day). It's doesn't even need to be a brand spanking new one. With a little care, love, and money even an upright destined for the landfill can be transformed into a wonderful instrument.
Not far behind them is can be found a digital solution. What I mean here is not the typical stand alone "digital piano", but rather a combination of a decent keyboard controller and top notch piano samples.
Some of the best piano samples are those by PMI and SampleTekk (which now distributes the PMI samples). Likely as not, you have already heard them in many film and CD productions. These are wonderfully recorded -note for note, velocity layer upon velocity layer- "replicas" of an actual piano.
In my opinion these are vastly superior to the canned piano sounds of most "digital pianos". So for those unable to buy a "real" piano, I am more than happy to recommend a sample solution. Samples open up other possibilities as well. There are excellent samples of fortepianos, harpsichords, and organs to tickle your fancy.
There is a fine recording of the Bach WTC using samples recorded by John Grant that's well worth checking out. You'll find it here.
Another interesting development are "vst" instruments for computer based keyboard musicans. No less than Steinway has given their nod of approval to the concept. See for example the Garritan "Steinway". You find more about it here.
Eye Candy for Piano Lovers
What's Bart listening to right now?
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
You Tube Goes Classical! Meet the "YouTube Symphony Orchestra"
The video-sharing website YouTube will take classical music out of pricey concert halls and bring it to the masses by holding an online competition where the public chooses musicians to play at Carnegie Hall.Read more about it here.
The competition invites classical musicians around the world to submit two videos demonstrating their musical and technical abilities, YouTube said in a news release on Monday.
Actually, this seems to be following a path already blazed, in a fashion, by the Van Cliburn Competition for amateurs setup a YouTube channel for competitors and allowed the audience (listeners) to vote.
Here's the link to the YouTube Symphony Orchestra page.
And, of course, there is a video to introduce it.
Check it out.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Five Dollars and Dream: Build Your Own Organ
I actually meant to put this post up for St. Cecilia's Day, but well...... mas vale tarde que nunca, eh?
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Beethoven on Broadway
Nearly half a century after swapping Broadway for Hollywood stardom, Jane Fonda is planning a return to the stage this winter in ``33 Variations,'' a mystery about Ludwig van Beethoven. Fonda, 70, will play a terminally ill contemporary musicologist who pores over Beethoven's notebooks, determined to find out why the composer spent three years turning a trivial, 45-second waltz theme by a hack publisher into the 45-minute long ``Diabelli Variations.''
I'm so going to be there for that!
Jazz Meets Scarlatti
Scarlatti's keyboard corpus is an almost inexhaustible assembly of music and becomes infinitely inexhaustible when considering recorded performances.
a pianist, a skull, and Hamlet
Pianist Andre Tchaikowsky left his skull to the RSC when he died in 1982 in the hope it would be used on stage. But since his death at the age of 46, it had only been used in rehearsals.
And you?
The piano in the woods
Massachusetts police are perplexed as to the origin of a piano, in pristine playing condition, found abandoned in middle the woods.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Charles Rosen
"One of my vivid memories of recent years is seeing the pianist Charles Rosen play Beethoven sonatas at the Royal Festival Hall, at a time when he was almost 80. If ever a man had a claim to "seasoned wisdom", it's Rosen. He was a pupil of a pupil of the great Franz Liszt and has written two of the very few books on classical music that deserve to be called great."
Student of Liszt?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Red Piano Alert
Frank & Camille's Fine Pianos is even offering gift certificates to anyone who sits down at the Elton John Signature Series Red Piano and plays one of John's songs in its entirety.
Hmmm.... maybe it's time to polish up a rendition of "Your Song".
speaking of chopin
"The game goes like this: the famed composer Chopin is on his deathbed -- and as his life ebbs away, he dreams that he comes across a young girl who faces a terrible fate -- and a young boy who tries to save her."
Although I'm not sure I'd have the patience needed for it.
abstract machines
And in fact, "Imaginary Landscapes IV" is an abstract machine within an abstract machine: Cage cast I Ching hexagrams to determine the tuning intervals. So someone could replicate Cage's meta-procedure to develop a "version" of the piece with different intervals.
food for thought.
and while away
While Away
My time for the past year and half has been consumed with a family member's battle with cancer. In between the surgery and the many doctor appointments, I haven't had much enthusiasm or time for anything else. But I have enjoyed reading others blogs over this time. And I look forward to keeping up with the pace you've all set.
- Bart
Sunday, November 16, 2008
and back again
Regular blogging to resume!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Quality of Life Crime
"Andrew Vactor was arrested for playing rap music "too loudly" on his car stereo. Vactor faced a $150 fine, presumably for 'disrupting the peace', but a judge offered to reduce it to $35 if the defendant spent 20 hours listening to classical music by the likes of Beethoven, Bach and Chopin."
According to reports, Mr. Vactor could only handle 15 minutes of it.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Speaking of Games: Playing the Harpsichord with Your Wii
Read all about it right here (and see a video demo).
Now.. What if you combined it with the piano gloves?
Beethoven and the Game Show
Sales of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony have risen by nearly 300 per cent after a pair of celebrity conductors directed the masterpiece in the BBC's television series, Maestro
Read all about it here.
So much nicer than "Hole in the Wall" Frome the casting call: "This show does not require trivia knowledge only your creativity in fitting your body through a hole in a wall!"
Iturbi International Piano Competition New
The finals will be also be broadcast over the Internet.
Details here
Yu Mi Lee - Tschaikovsky no1
Marianna Prjevalskaya - Chopin no1
Angelo Arciglione - Chopin no2
Angel Cabrera - Chopin no2
Zhengyu Chen - Lisz no1
Soyeon Kim - Tschaikovsky no1
The Other Liberace: Lang Lang
The pianist has toned down the antics that once made his performances unwatchable. But, sensitive musician that he can be, he still finds musical structure elusive. His Chopin Piano Concerto No. 2 on Saturday vacillated between fast and flashy and slow and self-regarding. While ravishing to the ear, his languorous way with the slow movement came close to impeding the music's natural flow.I'm almost thinking it's time to give listening to him another go.
About Those Emmys
Michael C Hall was flat out robbed.
Breaking Bad is a great series and Cranston an excellent actor. But better than Hall or the series Dexter?
TV junkie alert. I'm already getting sucked into "Fringe", the new series that inhabits a space somewhere between "X-Files" and "Torchwood".
The Kings of Bling
Check it out right here
And winners of the 2008 Liberace Piano Competition
Christopher Carter of Huntsville, Ala., took home $1,000 for first place in the showmanship division, the only division open to professional performers.more here
Ashlee Young, a 21-year-old from Billings, Mont., won the open division, open to college students studying music. The two other winners were 8-year-old Abigail Verghese of Henderson, Nev., and 17-year-old Carmen Lai of Las Vegas.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
An Improvisation A Day
Says Barnhill, "My improvisations tend to begin with melodic motives and fragments. When improvising I feel more like an onlooker, as these components I’ve introduced coalesce into themes and melodies, then break down into new fragments that came out of the previous activity. Harmonic structures open and close like an accordion."
Surf's up!
And From Our Man in the Science Hall: Piano Gloves!
The Finger Keyboard Gloves are USB powered gloves that can create music by tapping your fingers on any surface. Each finger creates a different musical note. There are multiple instrument voices that can be replicated and learning modes to help teach you how to use the gloves. The battery for the gloves can be charged via any USB port?deets
MTV Unplugged.. Move Over
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
brief encounters
From my own experience, this rings pretty true. Read the rest here.
"music is the primary topic of conversation when strangers get acquainted. Researchers concluded that discussion of music is so prevalent because people can form quick and accurate impressions about another’s personality from a brief discussion of music. They also noted that music preferences revealed different information than is obtained from other brief encounters by strangers."
So what does you iPod say about you? I would like to ask the person who stole my iPod 2 weeks ago. And then punch them.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Resurrection: Music from Ancient Greece computer-modelling project has been successful in recreating the sound of the harp-like Epigonion musical instrument from Ancient Greece. Researchers associated with the project named ASTRA (Ancient instruments Sound/Timbre Reconstruction Application) say that they have even performed one of the oldest known musical scores dating back to the Middle Ages.
As the Piano Turns
What is it? The Korean soap opera called "Beethoven Virus"
Read all about it here.
Canadian Idol
The 22-year-old classical music student carved a niche for himself with power ballads and soaring vocals - usually from behind the piano. He even managed to impress R&B star John Legend at a recent one-on-one workshop in New York.Deets here.
If in Indianapolis
Sept. 21. Michael Kirkendoll.
He'll be performing Alfred Schnittke's Concerto for Piano and Strings.
Ear Candy
Happy online shopping.
..the launch of Passionato -- a new classical music download store that offers music encoded in the lossless FLAC format, typically with bit rates eight times greater than those from iTunes. It's got catalogues from big classical names, including Naxos, Universal Classics and Jazz, Decca, BBC Worldwide, Capitol USA, Blue Note and EMI Classics.
It's the work of former Baltimore Symphony Orchestra president James Glicker, who told the BBC that the closure of traditional music stores, combined with the rising numbers of attendees at classical performances, acts as his motivation.
Read all about it here. Here's the link to Passionato
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Your Morning Liberace Alert
Details about it here.
Whatever happened to that Liberace film that Nicholas Cage was looking to make? Hmmmm.
The Virtuoso Computer
"...conductor Daniel Grossman's attempt with this new release to realise these five keyboard works using MIDI technology with a degree of accuracy previously unattainable by the means of physical dexterity alone. Grossman's position as the single mind behind these realisations does satisfy the implicit request of the composer that a unified voice interprets these scores (he could easily have spread the music across two or three pianos). Yet the occasional rigidity and bluntness of the sounding result takes away somewhat from the whole project."
Read the rest here.
Surf's Up!
The Otterhouse, a website out of the Netherlands, is really something of a "rescue" site for classical vinyl from the last century. All of them works that have largely been forgotten, tossed out, or relegated to some dank basement. It is updated each week, giving a particular artist a new lease on life, with a fresh LP to MP3 transfer. But you will also want to check the essays that also accompany the site.
It's your "must click" destination for today.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Music in the House of Wittgenstein
I've long admired Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophy (at least his later work), and I've been intrigued by Paul Wittgenstein, a pianist who lost his right arm in World War 1, who nonetheless went on to pursue an international concert career. Many great composers of the last century composed works for him -Ravel, Prokovieff, Britten, Korngold, and many others.
So it was with no small interest that I cam across mention of a new book titled "The House of Wittgenstein" in the Times Review.
"Alexander Waugh's rich and wide-ranging study, The House of Wittgenstein, weaves together the stories of many of Ludwig's siblings and other relatives, but at its core is the biography of the pianist Paul Wittgenstein...Paul, the closest sibling in age to Ludwig, had some of his younger brother's qualities: asceticism, an iron will, an inability to dissemble, and a sometimes comical unawareness of how the world worked."Read the rest here.
It's going straight to the top of my reading list for this fall.
Check out this remarkably comprehensive website dedicated to music for the left hand. The site also includes a biographical sketch of Paul Wittgenstein -to whom the site is dedicated.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Paging Tim Gunn
Well, classical musicians are as aware as anyone of society's obsession with image. Attractive sponsorship opportunities sometimes materialise from designer brands keen for the classy endorsement of musical stars: Rolex has enlisted the likes of the handsome young conductor Gustavo Dudamel for its adverts, for example. Besides, the arrival of the 21st century has left many asking themselves why they are still dressing for the 19th.
Project Runway Homepage
Evenings with Martha
Before the final fade into the frumpy side of greatness, a little magic.
"The French title for this 2002 film, "Conversation Nocturne," is more evocative of the prize-winning documentary's poetic quality. Director Georges Gachot centered the hour-long portrait on an informal, night-owl cafe talk with Martha Argerich -- a living legend, if there are any left in classical music. He doesn't ask probing questions of this most enigmatic and media-shy of major musicians, and there is no outside commentary. But, switching from French to English and back, the pianist alights on key topics, dissecting herself bemusedly. With Gachot having gained the trust of a friend, the camera reveals her bohemian incandescence. Argerich flirts naturally with the lens, as beautiful women can."
Bros before ... ?
"I put music over women - the piano is a life-long partner for me because it does not answer back," said Jürgens whose career spans five decades"
Beethoven's last piano work
Deets here.
McCallum said he believed the piece was written in October 1826, five months before Beethoven died. "It's got a few little unusual harmonic features which we don't normally associate with Beethoven," he said.
The Man Who Would Be Bling
Everything You Wanted to Know About Harpsichord, But Were Afraid to Ask
Get Your Pod On
"I think Rachmaninov is the star of any concert he's in", says Hough.
Download the proms podcast with him here. (check that shirt out)
Wolves, she says, have become her extended family, "which for someone with misanthropic tendencies like me has been very helpful. But it's a privilege to relate to an animal like that, and there's something very musical in it – you need the same quality of concentration. In both cases you're trying to interact with a being which is completely other." Does she look into their eyes? "Not always – with a wolf that can be a serious faux pas – you must let them initiate contact. Every action has to denote respect, with nothing overly familiar, no breach of etiquette. And it's the same with a piece of music. You have to be 100 per cent into the exchange, somewhere between contemplation and meditation."
between contemplation and meditation. I like that. It's exactly what I not just in her playing, but that of all the pianists I admire.
Read it all here.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
A Match Made in Heaven: Classical Music and Heavy Metals Fans
""I was struck by how similar fans of heavy metal and classical music really are," he said. "Apart from the age differences, they were virtually identical. Both were more creative than other people, both were not terribly outgoing and they were also quite at ease." He speculated that both types of music have a sense of theatricality about them which may appeal to similar types of people."
Read the rest here.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Who Should be Classicalized
September will, in the UK at least, see the issue of Songs Without Words, a collection of pop-rock hits that have been "classicalized." David Bowie, Sting, Coldplay—all your middlebrow favorites, given the ultimate middlebrow treatment.Read more and make your vote here.
piano gadgets for tots
Read all about it here.
But if you really wanna get high-tech, you can play a toy piano online. Find that coolness right here.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Glenn Gould: The Russian Journey
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Ralph Vaughn Williams
Here's something to get your primed:
"Williams was bossy, and thought the harpsichord sucked ("never a pleasant sound"). He was also pretty stern about orchestras - or rather he imagined the orchestras that Bach faced were "ramshackle", the voices in the choir "not good", and the performances themselves "not witty". Williams was all for modern interpretations. To plonk away on a virginal through "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" was his idea of hell. He preferred the wind machine."
Read the rest of here.
The Fly - An Opera
"The Fly", described as a classical re-imagining of the 1986 movie about an eccentric scientist who turns into a massive fly, will open the new season at Los Angeles Opera in September with LA Opera director Placido Domingo conducting the orchestra.Read the rest here.
Now if only Rufus Wainwright were that creative (and aren't we all glad thats over?)
LIberace's Desert Home
Beethoven, as I Knew Him
In one scene, Beethoven mourns the passing of his idol, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, by playing the Requiem on the piano and singing the part of the chorus in a screeching falsetto. It's a pure camp moment that's transfixing in its Liberace-esque audacity and embarrassing in its total sincerity.
If only the play contained more such wacky moments. Mostly, "Beethoven, as I Knew Him" meanders through the composer's life without much purpose or direction.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
From Mexico with Love: Robots, Space Ships, and Opera
Y como no?
On Point
I pass it along w/out qualification. check it out here.
New music debate redux over at the Times. And more whitewashing of music history into a pointless, and historically wholly inaccurate, division of tonal vs atonal, this time with a specifically English gloss: Stephen Pollard with his notion that English music died with Vaughan Williams' demise, 50 years ago today.
Music in a Strange Land
Horowitz provides biographical sketches for them all, each sketch studded with quotable illustrations. (Otto Preminger, hearing a group of his fellow émigrés speaking Hungarian, said, “Don’t you people know you’re in Hollywood? Speak German.”) The result is a rich assembly, an unmasked ball teeming with famous names, but you always have to remember – and our author, to his credit, never forgets – that in too many cases their attendance was compulsory, a fact which can lend a sad note to the glamour.
This looks to be an excellent read. Read the rest of Clive James excellent review here.
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Day Classical Music Died ... At least English Classical Music
It's a piece by Stephan Pollard which holds that
"Classical music took a wrong turn in the period after the death of Vaughan Williams. "
And the cause
"The ruination of music as part of mainstream culture came largely because of subsidy. Composers stopped writing for their public and wrote instead for the small clique that was responsible for commissioning pieces."
I'm not sure I buy that ..The varied doom and fortune of contemporary classical music speaks against it. Consider the musics produced under other models, or lack thereof, to support classical composers elsewhere.
Further along it seems the real complaint here is that English composers nowadays are, well, English enough..
"The leading young English composer is Thomas Adès, whose opera Powder Her Face won rave reviews in 1995 and has since been repeatedly performed around the world. He has been commissioned by the likes of the Royal Opera House and the Berlin Philharmonic and has produced pieces that have won instant audience acclaim.
Adès may be English but, unlike Vaughan Williams, there is almost nothing in his music to show that. Vaughan Williams may no longer be the last to write serious music for general audiences but, as a recognisably English composer, he was indeed the last of his kind"
Deets here.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Care to Place a Bet?
""I challenge anyone to pick up the album and tell me that it's not as artistic and culturally significant as any piece of classical music that's been around for 300 years," he boasts. "Videogame music is the soundtrack of our generation. This is only the beginning.""
Knowing when to fold is half the game. Or so I'm told.
Read all about it here.
Listening Makes the Musician
""More and more labs are showing that people have the sensitivity for skills that we thought were only expert skills," explained Henkjan Honing, a researcher behind the study to Science Daily. According to the publication, "the UvA-study shows that listeners without formal musical training, but with sufficient exposure to a certain musical idiom... perform similarly in a musical task when compared to formally trained listeners.""
Read more about it here
Haven't we always known this?
Hoodlums take note
"If you see any threatening hoodies heading towards you, just click it on and release the music." The youths are unable to cope with the strains of Mozart and Bach, hands over ears they retreat back to their dark corners to recover their ears with "hip hop", but it is enough, the classical music has done it's job and one more OAP is safe.
Sadly it's probably not much of stretch...
Jazz and the Parlor Pianist
A phenomenon in his lifetime but relegated to the status of parlor pianist today, Gottschalk nevertheless was the complete package: talented, good looking, highborn. Educated at the Paris Conservatoire and a peer of Fredrick Chopin, Gottschalk carved an impressive pedigree when he hit the concert trail in the Western Hemisphere during the years leading up to and including the American Civil War.
A very fine round up of Cd's on the Naxos of Gottschalk's best works.
Read it here.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Music at the Limits
And so it was with no small interest that I read that a collection of essays from the last 20 years of his life has been published.
On balance I think the TLS reviewer gets it just about right:
"To admire Glenn Gould – or indeed Alfred Brendel or Maurizio Pollini, two other pianists whom Said singles out – is not unusual, and it could perhaps be claimed that Said’s views tend to be rather Establishment ones: he writes a wholly adulatory article about Boulez, for example, without any mention of Boulez’s Jesuitical dogmaticism or his musical narrow-mindedness. Similarly, Said seems too respectful of Adorno: he makes good use of some of Adorno’s more insightful observations but also quotes a number of his tiresomely prejudicial opinions about composers he disapproved of, without criticism. But as with Boulez, it is always stimulating to disagree with Said, and reading the last essay in this book, appropriately about late Beethoven, which Said felt to be more about the opening up of new horizons than reaching conclusions, makes one sadly aware of just what a loss his premature death has been."
Radio Waves - NOT

""It's good for CBC radio to be playing a variety of musical genres," he said, "but this is a radical change. It is moving away from something only the public broadcaster can do to something many private broadcasters already do. And they are shoving classical music into the 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. low audience ghetto"
Read about it (and listener reactions) here.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Baroque women's music
"It's not that women weren't composing years ago, or aren't composing now - it's just that, with notable exceptions like Baroque harpsichordist Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre, who lived in France at the turn of the 17th century, their music has remained mostly unplayed, confined for centuries to paper."Link
Schroeder’s Muse

The late “Peanuts” creator Charles Schulz had a long love affair with Beethoven. In fact, he listened to his music so much while he worked — from early piano sonatas to the late string quartets — that his albums became scratched and worn over time. Those pitted records are just a few of the unusual artifacts displayed in the exhibit, “Schulz’s Beethoven: Schroeder’s Muse,” opening Saturday at the Charles M. Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa in collaboration with the Ira F. Brilliant Center for Beethoven Studies at San Jose State University. The exhibit attempts to show a clear connection between the musical scores Schulz incorporated into some of his “Peanuts” comic strips featuring Schroeder and the meaning of the cartoon itself.Link
And if you're wondering how Schroeder and the rest of the gang turned out as adults, then look no further than the play "Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead". Read all about it here.
* 1/3 shot Kahlua
* 1/3 shot Milk
* 1/3 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum
Mixing instructions:
Pour in the Kahlua. Layer the milk on top of it. Then float the Bacardi 151 on top of the milk. Light the top of the shot. Let it burn for about 10 seconds, blow it out and shoot it.
via the online source of all things boozy The Webtender". link
Ya Don't Say
Lang Lang and the young girl looked more like they were playing around than playing the piano. The piano was bouncing up and down very visibly as Lang Lang and the little girl played, looking more like a cardboard prop on an uneven ground than a piano.
But wait, there’s more! Offer Not Sold In Stores
12 tone music never sounded better !!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Andreas Staier
Staier's webpage can be found here.
Do you know Prokofiev?
Prokofiev is the subject of this year's Bard Festival and the times has a very nice write-up.
So the curators of “Prokofiev and His World” at Bard are concerned not with polishing a dull reputation or arguing for greatness but with exploring aspects of the composer’s life — including his involvement with Christian Science and his surprising decision to return to Russia in 1936 — and the musicians and trends that influenced his irresistible brand of tuneful modernism.
And you'll not want to miss visiting the "The Prokofiev Page". Find it here.
Franz Liszt
Check it out. Link.
Monday, August 11, 2008
You can quite easily spend hours combing thru the various essays, links, audio clips, and other resources that constitute the site. Find it all right here.
You'll also want to check out the "International Chopin Information Center". Link.
Coming to A DVD Near You: Van Cliburn
Then take note
VAI Video enables us to experience what looks like the television broadcast of Cliburn's legendary "Winner's Concert" performance of Rachmaninov's Third Concerto. The assortment of simple camera angles, in front of and behind the pianist, a few shots of the audience (some incongruously from seemingly separately-shot footage), facing the conductor and a few others in the Moscow Philharmonic, capture the growing involvement in the performance, by both the musicians and the audience, leading in an unbroken arc from Cliburn's first hushed entrance to the triumphant close.Read the full review here.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Today in History: A Strange Music

Read the rest here.
...Lamarr, a Viennese-born movie actress, would eventually be given a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Antheil, an American avant-garde composer of orchestral music and opera, lived in Paris during the '20s and counted Ernest Hemingway and Igor Stravinsky among his friends. Not exactly the kind of folks you picture tinkering with cutting-edge weapons of war. In fact, their device was way ahead of its time. Although it was patented at the height of World War II, frequency hopping relied on electronics technology that didn't exist yet. An updated version of the Lamarr-Antheil device finally appeared on U.S. Navy ships in 1962 (three years after their patent expired), and was first used during the Cuban missile crisis.
Ballet Mecanique
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Gabriela Montero
Scientists are locked in a battle with the Polish government over their request to test the heart of Frédéric Chopin for evidence he suffered from cystic fibrosis. They believe the Polish composer was not a victim of tuberculosis, as commonly supposed, but died because he suffered from one of Europe's most widespread hereditary disorders.Link
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Lou Teicher, Dead at Age 83
Louis Teicher of the popular piano duo "Ferrante and Teicher" has passed away this week.
Ferrante & Teicher charted 22 gold and platinum records, beginning with the theme from "The Apartment" (1960), and claimed to have played 5,000 concerts attended by 18 million people. If their names evoke blank stares from today's audiences, it is because, for all their wit, their music was as evanescent as smoke in a summer breeze. Some of their signature pieces can be seen on YouTube. Teicher died of a heart attack at home in Sarasota, Fla., according to a statement from the duo's manager, Scott Smith.
Music The BBC Banned
"His wrath was incurred by such unlikely revolutionaries as Liberace and Mantovani, and the score of Kismet, borrowed from Borodin, which meant that MOR standards such as Stranger in Paradise and Baubles, Bangles and Beads were rarely heard. Bliss was a particularly stormy weather vane: while he considered Tony Bennett's version of Stranger in Paradise to be sufficiently tasteful (it reached No 1), the Four Aces' sprightlier version was out of bounds. Meanwhile, kids with flick knives were slashing cinema seats at screenings of Blackboard Jungle."
Let's Liberace up the Olympics!

Too good to be true. But then it is China.
"Lang's penchant for "moony gyrations and emotive expressions" while playing annoy classical-music critics, including the Times' Anthony Tommasini, who walked out of Lang's Carnegie Hall debut in 2003....magine this dude, dressed Liberace style, atop a column in Beijing's Olympic stadium, almost definitely playing this song, and you'll have a good idea why we never watch Olympic opening ceremonies."
My retinas burn just thinking about it.
Friday, August 01, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Birthday Card
Gadgety. Nerdy. Possibly Lame.
"Files are stored onto the piano's hard drive and can be transferred via USB to a PC, and then easily burned onto a CD for in-car listening. Plus, if you hook up the piano to a TV, you can display lyrics and graphics for a song on it."Yup, it's Yamaha made. Read the rest here.
I don't know about you, but once you get to this level of geeking out, I think I'd rather have a decent midi controller, a "real" computer, and some solid piano samples. Seriously.
Elton John's Grand Piano
The Grand Piano on which Elton John rehearsed his chart topping duet with Kiki Dee "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" goes on sale next month with a price tag of up to 45,000 pound.
Juilliard Dropout Plays Skid Row, Battles Schizophrenia: The Book
"The violinist was Nathaniel Anthony Ayers, a black man ``with butterscotch eyes,'' a diagnosis of schizophrenia and such a passion for Ludwig von Beethoven that he often played in a spot just across the street from Pershing Square in Los Angeles to be near a 7-foot bronze statue of his idol. "Read the full review here.
Krystian Zimerman
Zimerman is famous for modifying his instrument to his own specifications, but it’s not every day you see a Steinway transformed in front of your very eyes...But the rationale behind the emaciated Glenn Gould-like tone of his Bach keyboard was questionable....why reduce your vehicle to a hard-edged, pseudo-period instrument and then romanticise the music out of recognition?Good question.
Fire Blamed on Welding
A fire that tore through the roof of the Berlin Philharmonic's landmark concert hall was sparked by welding work, investigators said Monday.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Glenn Gould is everywhere
Has any pianist ever loomed so large some 25 years after his death? Gould would have turned 75 last September, and the anniversaries have led his foundation to declare 2007-08 "The Year of Glenn Gould." But the designation is almost redundant.Read the rest here.
No Winner at Washington International Competition for Piano
Details and more on the finalists found here.
William Kappell
"This is and will remain a problematic set for collectors--but have no doubts, they will buy it; and because they spent a goodly sum on an artist they adore, they will listen to it often, in spite of the sonic defects that make some moments almost unbearable." Link.
Liszt and the Beethoven Symphonies
"..the pianist was brought up short on the choral finale of the famous Ninth Symphony. In a fit of frustration, Liszt observed that he may have to accept, "...the impossibility of making any pianoforte arrangement of the 4th movement...that could in any way be...satisfactory."
best of the lot I think is Liszt's handling of no6
Accompanist's accompanist
Malcom Martineau has returned as musician-in-residence for the Accompanists' Guild of South Australia's 25th anniversary conference, which runs until June 1.And that lead to a pleasant discovery of this website: The Accompanists' Guild. Check it out.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
crank it up
One obvious difference between rock and classical concerts is amplification. The average rock concert's volume has been measured at 120 decibels, and more and more rock music is at similar levels of amplification.
not at my recital. Deets here.
new poll
Enter the Octagon
Eight celebrities, including David Soul and Bradley Walsh, will compete to enter the conductor's podium at the Proms in a new BBC series.
The show will train the celebrities in orchestral, choral and operatic music and the winner will conduct the BBC Concert Orchestra at the BBC Proms in the Park.
Musician Goldie, former Blur bassist Alex James, newsreader Katie Derham, actress Jane Asher, broadcaster Peter Snow and comedian Sue Perkins are taking part in Maestro, on BBC2, alongside ex-Starsky and Hutch star Soul and former Coronation Street actor Walsh.
read the rest here.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Old-time Piano Playing Contest
Meme: Meme
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people, and acknowledge who tagged you
So here it is:
I sighed. "It's for a date," I confessed, leaning ever so slightly forward. "My first."
from The Long Good Boy by Carol Lea Benjamin
I now officially pass this meme to Tenon Saw, Oboeinsight, The Collaborative Piano Blog, Paris-Broadway, Jessica Duchen.
(tap tap no erasies!!)
Back from Vacation

A long flight. A crying baby. Feels good to be "home" again.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The Ivory State: Texas
Chopin. A Tad Too Weepy?
While listening to Chopin you might ponder a fine piece on recent trends in Chopin recordings/performances appearing on the excellent TimesOnline. Link. They also have audio/clips and a poll in which you can vote for your favorite interpreter of Chopin's music. Link. Of the votes cast thus far, Cortot is clearly the winner. And, surprisingly, Murray Perahia is at a distant 2nd. I don't particularly fancy Perahia's Chopin. My own favorite is Rubinstein. And, yes, I do love the Cortot but there is something about Rubinstein that edges him out of the way for me.
And here's the key graf of so from the article:
"..The preferred modern tactic now is to fight off overexaggeration and match Chopin’s romantic agony with the classical poise of a composer in love with Bach, Mozart, inner harmonies and the clear dance of polyphony – an element certainly strong in Chopin’s make-up. “A good balance between his romantic soul and his classical expression is one of the most difficult things to achieve,” says the wise Ingrid Fliter, soloist in EMI’s most recent Chopin disc.Stephen Hough now spies a new danger: interpretations so desperate to avoid tears that pianists opt for a steely sound quite unlike what Chopin wanted or knew. Glenn Gould, if he gave himself a proper chance, would no doubt have pulled Chopin in that direction."
Who is your favorite Chopin performer? And do you think pianists are moving toward a more clinical, if you like, approach.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
The Dark Side of Chopin
"Chopin was a political arch-conservative, an artistic and social snob, and a dandy who hated contact with the rest of the human race."
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Wonder Years
crashing down stairs
and teaching pianos
to sing Rachmaninoff
like growling grizzly bears
It's Official
Out & Around Blogsville
So many good blogs, so little time. Here's the run down on some things that recently caught my eye. In no particular order.
I was fascinated by a post on Oscar's "Educacion Musical" blog about representations of music in time and space. Including very very tasty bit from YouTube. Nice stuff all around. Read more here
A recently discovered blog is "Mostly Opera". What you'll find here is an absolute gem of thoughtful and engaging of everything opera -from Ken Russell's "Faust" to the bugger Busoni. Give 'em some blog visit. Find it all here.
Exploring the world of pianos, musical theater, and performance is a splendid and unassuming blog titled "Matt's Little World of Pianos, Theatre, and Performance". A clever and sure footed guide to all things musical theatre for pianophiles and musicians of all stripes. Give 'em a visit. Link. Loads of good things abound here.
Interestingly, a pretty solid majority of visitors to the Well-Temepred Blog come from Spain . And that pleases me to no end. Espana is home to some of best blogs on the net. A recent gem is this fine post ("Antiquities") on the earliest known recordings over on RetroKlang. I would be distraught without "La Idea del Norte" -for it's convivial wit and perceptive writing are rare commodities. Take for example this post on the matter of rubato.
Close to home is "Music in a Suburban Scene" I was delighted to discover we share a passion for The Shaggs. Oh yea baby! Check it out here. As consolation to missing out on Radiohead, I recommend checking out the magnetic field tour. I caught up with it in Northhampton and I'm still raving.
Patti at "oboeinsight" points the way to a great read on the magic teleprompters. Hehe. (btw, the blog's new look is super!). You find it all here.
A note of thanks to Keith at "In Which Our Hero" for pointing the way to a new addition to my list of summer reads. You find it here. I can always count on a great recommendation!
Matt (of "Soho the Dog") perked my day up with this post on Bach and soy sauce. You read that right. Now click on over and read all about it. link
Surf's up! Happy reading.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
From Norway with Love
This work easily makes my top 10 list of favorites. I discovered the Ballade during my youth. I had a piano teacher, somewhere along the road, who used a volume called "Great Themes without Variations" (I still have it) for sight-reading exercises. One of the works was the theme from this very Ballade. It just immediately charmed me.
Mr. Andsnes observes that when Beethoven or Brahms write a set of variations, they start out with a very simple theme with relatively simple harmony. Then they make it more elaborate with each variation. But Grieg chose a haunting, melancholy Norwegian folk melody as his theme and harmonized it with exceptional richness. "It is one of the most beautiful I've ever heard, and so wonderful that it actually creates a problem: Because it is already so complete in itself, it seems hard to imagine where he can go from there."
And the places it goes!
Read the rest here.