Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Noise Pollution?

This is simply astounding...!

"The neighbors complained again and again about incessant loud noise from Li Tong Yang's apartment in Tysons Corner, and next week, because of the noise, she and her son John must leave. They have nowhere to go."

and this:

"The noise that generated calls to the Fairfax County police and complaints to building management comes from a Steinway grand piano. The person playing that piano is 12-year-old John Chen, who happens to be, in the estimation of Pamela Sverjensky, head of the Piano Department at the Levine School of Music, "probably the most talented person ever to come to this school," which is saying a great deal."

Read the rest of article here.

Seems there ought to be a middle ground somewhere. Or cut different, it seems there is a bit of "unreasonableness" on both sides.


pianoplayer0123 said...

It's very common topic, and I've read many articles about American pianists' adventures with police after practicing too loud!Probably, american neighbors are especially nervous, because in other countries people usually don't call to police in such case.

The Well Tempered Blog said...

It's an all too common situation. I suppose there is something to be said for the disklavier in those situation.

Best of luck at the Chopin Competition! I hope you'll have an opportunity to update your blog from there. Would make for some very interesting posts.

pianoplayer0123 said...

Yes, you should publish more news about Chopin competition and look more often to the competition's website (www.konkurs.chopin.pl), because they are going to post there all the news and reviews immedicately after the performance.