Strangely, just yesterday I was asked what my choice would be if I could have the music of only one composer to study and perfom. Without hesitation my answer: Bach. There is something about the music that pleases me on so many levels. I always feel like I learning from Bach, and my hands love following the various twists and turns. There is a very strong physical component to it. Something I can't quite pin down. The best I can say is that it simply pleases the hand and delights the readers mind. And maybe there's a very good explanation.
"Robert Schumann cured himself of a severe episode of mental illness by studying Bach's counterpoint, setting himself a task of composing six fugues on the composer's name. Neuro-musicologist Arthur Harvey, of the University of Hawaii, claims: "Bach's music consistently makes the brain work in a balanced way better than any other." link.
and this:
""Of all the music we tested in medical school with patients, colleagues and others, Bach's music consistently made the brain work in a balanced way better than any other genre," said Arthur Harvey, who is also an internationally known neuromusicologist." link
Wow. That's actually very interesting to me. My personal internal emotional life is quite chaotic, so perhaps that not only explains my love of Bach, but also why I like writing counterpoint so much.
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