Just getting back in the blog saddle after a short holiday. Photo from our annual easter bash. More to follow.
"I did play Bach as a student," he says, "but not very seriously. In a way, it's a lifelong challenge for me to play Bach on the piano, because, when I was growing up, the wisdom was - and it came from many great pianists, including Clifford Curzon and Claudio Arrau - that the piano wasn't the right vehicle for Bach. I felt that this had to be wrong, because, first of all, Bach is very important for any pianist, simply from the point of knowing about counterpoint, structure and harmony."Perahia gets it right and then some. Read the rest of this fine article with Murray Perahia here.
Li has recorded Chopin before, and very beautifully at that, but his performances of a Nocturne and four Mazurkas from Op. 33 were not even phoned in, but text-messaged in, with vacuous emoticons substituting for the real thing.
The site is born out of love for sounds, where sounds can be every kind of noise produced by whatever object.
The instrument itself can be insteresting, but the sound produced by it is what I love the most.
Sounds created by musical instruments, buildings, plants, electronic circuits, sound sculptures... it doesn't matter.
On this site you can expect the weirdest musical instruments, novelty interfaces, ... ever produced by mankinds. T
At a first glance the Schimmel Pegasus Piano doesn’t look like a piano. With those beautifully sculpted curves this piano looks more like a futuristic spaceship.Link
The Van Cliburn Foundation announced today the first Cliburn YouTube Contest, welcoming cyber-video entries of 5-10 minutes in length. The videos will be judged by online viewers and the winner will be entered, application fee-free, in the 2011 International Piano Competition for Outstanding Amateurs.Sweet!
"He did select works that took courage, knowledge and depth of feeling," said Menahem Pressler, founding member and pianist of the Beaux Arts Trio and chair of the committee.More here (and short video clip).
Dank, 25, received a $15,000 check, a recital at Carnegie Hall and a performance with the Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra in 2009.
link."I thought it would be a wonderful learning tool," Colleen said.
Until one day when she and Autumn were playing with it.
DO - RA - ME - FA - SO...
And Autumn played a section backwards...
Except that it didn't sound so wholesome coming out of the piano.
A trio of tabletop musicians have turned their gadget lust into an art form, using two iPhones and an iPod Touch to form the "iBand".Read the rest here.
The three art students from Vienna in Austria have eschewed roadies and regular instruments in favour of custom music applications loaded on to the touch-screen gizmos from Apple.
During the Piano-e-Competition, participants will have the opportunity to perform on Yamaha CFIIIS concert grand pianos. What is unique about these instruments is that they are equipped with state-of-the-art Disklavier Pro recording technology. This system, which was pioneered by Yamaha, is the fusion of the acoustic piano and computer electronics and allows all solo rounds of the competition to be downloaded via MIDI to be enjoyed anywhere in the world.The junior division of the competition is this year. The contestants selected are:
The 12th Arthur Rubinstein International Piano Master Competition, one of the highlights of Israel's cultural scene, will start with a gala concert on March 8 and continue through to the finals on March 27 when a winner will be declared.Read more here.
You seek knowledge and insight in every form possible. You love learning.
And while you know a lot, you don't act like a know it all. You're open to learning you're wrong.
You ask a lot of questions, collect a lot of data, and always dig deep to find out more. You're naturally curious and inquisitive. You jump to ask a question when the opportunity arises.
Your friends see you as interesting, insightful, and thought provoking.
(But they're not always up for the intense inquisitions that you love!)
You excel in: Higher education
You get along best with: The Comma
Elaborate arm waving and heaven-bound gazes, at any rate, seem to have become part of the conservatory curriculum, like accurate scales and counterpoint.....Responsible teachers ought to be beating these kinds of histrionics out of their students but are too often perpetrators themselves. One answer might be for conservatories to hire time-and-motion experts, professionals who could point out that the flailing arm, the bulging eye and the balletic upper torso are extraneous work in a business best devoted to doing the most with the least.
The José Iturbi Foundation today announced that The Second Annual José Iturbi International Music Competition, the contest with the largest cash bounty (more than $250,000) of any classical piano and singing competition worldwide, will take place again this summer June 16 - 21 at UCLA's Schoenberg Hall in Los Angeles. Applications for pianists and singers to compete in the weeklong competition that adds features of "American Idol" to the world of classical music may be completed and submitted online at www.joseiturbifoundation.org. April 15, 2008 is the application deadline.No word on who plays the Simon Cowell part.
Fionnuala Ward beat off competition from talented musicians across Northern Ireland to take the title in Comber at the weekend.Deets.